Breathe New Life Into Your Cushions

Experience like new comfort again without making a trip to an upholsterer!

Our Process is Simple

Just remove the existing foam from your furniture cushions and send the empty fabric casing to us in our pre-paid shipping kit. We ship back your cushions stuffed with new custom cut high density foam wrapped with a fresh layer of Dacron. No special trip to an upholsterer needed!


Some companies out there will sell you just the foam, but we provide the full-service of cushion restuffing! Our experts do the work for you and most importantly, we do it right! It is not easy to do.

Our Mission

To keep furniture in your homes and out of the dumpster. 

Furniture waste has become one of the fastest growing landfill categories in recent years. Over 12 million tons of furniture waste is generated annually in the US alone, with 80% going directly to our landfills…